una caduta dal terzo piano è dannosa quanto una dal centesimo. se proprio dovrò cadere, che sia da un punto molto alto. (P.Coelho)
Thursday, December 02, 2010
oscillatori armonici
Thursday, October 14, 2010
e se domani?
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Tus pies (Pablo Neruda)
Cuando no puedo mirar tu cara
miro tus pies.
Tus pies de hueso arqueado,
tus pequeños pies duros.
Yo se que to sostienen,
y que tu dulce peso
sobre ellos se levanta.
Tu cintura y tus pechos,
la duplicada pu'rpura
de tus pezones,
la caja de tus ojos
que recien han volado,
tu ancha boca de fruta,
tu cabellera roja,
pequeña torre mía.
Pero no amo tus pies
sino porque anduvieron
sobre la tierra y sobre
el viento y sobre el agua,
hasta que me encontraron.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Le Rane
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
- Il fascismo è un governo oligarchico. Il comunismo invece, ci vede tutti uguali, anzi, a voler essere precisi...
- Il comunismo ritiene gli animali superiori agli esseri umani, visto che non sono INDUSTRIALIZZATI.
- Come si fa a credere nell'ideologia marxiana, se questa mi dice che un topo ha più diritti di me?
- Un'ideologia non può funzionare senza un leader, e un leader non può fare gli interessi del popolo (anzi, degli animali, ci aggiungerei io......)
Io se avessi il potere, non vedo perchè dovrei fare gli interessi degli altri. Se avessi il potere farei i miei interessi (come a dire, non son mica scema)....
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
suicidial tendencies
Rotterdam, 18th of February 2010
Facebook excommunicates WORM because of the Web2.0 Suicide Machine
moddr_labs,It is with great sorrow that we announce that Facebook Inc. has decided that WORM, the producer of the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine, will be excommunicated from Facebook.
The initiative to build the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine came from Moddr_, WORM’s media lab. By threatening WORM, Facebook is trying to take down the Suicide Machine.
The Web 2.0 Suicide Machine allows users of - among others - Facebook to commit ‘social network suicide’. Facebook threatens WORM with further legal action if WORM doesn’t stop targeting the FaceBook platform via the SuicideMachine. In addition, it has now also demanded that WORM immediately deletes its own Facebook profile (WORM_Rotterdam). According to Facebook and its lawyer, the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine has violated Facebook’s Terms of Service and with that WORM has forfeited it’s right to keep using the platform. WORM does not want to engage in a fight over this matter with Facebook. The idea behind the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine was to be able to ‘unfriend’ in an automated fashion and to make users of social networks aware that they should always be in control of their own data. Facebook won’t allow for this control and is also not willing to enter into this debate. We are pretty much done with that and are left with no other choice than to commit online suicide ourselves. The conditions and attitude of Facebook leave no other option as far as WORM is concerned.WORM deeply regrets the current situation. The web 2.0 Suicide Machine was never intended to target Facebook as such, but meant as a tool for people who, for whatever reason, are tired of their online life. Facebook wants all access to their service, personal data of their users included, to run via their own ‘connect’ platform. In this way, Facebook can set, interpret and change its own rules as it sees fit...
The excommunication of WORM illustrates that data freedom and net neutrality of users is merely an illusion on many social network sites. Not only is it not allowed for people to unfriend (in an automated manner), but companies also have the power to expel users they do not like. Facebook shows that a user only has the rights that Facebook grants it.
Facebook claims all rights. WORM does not want to continue living in this 2.0 world. Which is why we say goodbye to all our friends. We wish you all the best.
No flowers, no speeches.
WORM, Rotterdam
download press release pdf
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
1Sm 24,18-21
Poi continuò verso Davide: "Tu sei stato più giusto di me, perché mi hai reso il bene, mentre io ti ho reso il male. Oggi mi hai dimostrato che agisci bene con me, che il Signore mi aveva messo nelle tue mani e tu non mi hai ucciso. Quando mai uno trova il suo nemico e lo lascia andare per la sua strada in pace? Il Signore ti renda felicità per quanto hai fatto a me oggi."